Australian Citizenship Tests

The Australian Citizenship Test Preparation App was written to make studying for the Australian citizenship test easier and more effective by giving users convenient access to study materials, interactive learning features, and up-to-date information.

If you're applying to become an Australian citizen, odds are pretty high that you will have to sit the citizenship test. Almost every citizen by conferral has to undergo the test, there are not many exceptions.

My wife was amongst the esteemed testees recently (is testee a word? If it is not, it should be) and she told me that there are no good citizenship test apps on the market.

There are some that predate this app, but my wife did not like any of them and asked me for help: "Please write me an app"

Not as hard as it sounds

Since I know how to write web apps, I decided to help her. The task was quite manageable, this is a small problem to solve and coding it does not take all that long. From memory, it took me something like 2 weeks to write this thing at about 2 hours per day and the app has been chugging along fine ever since. My wife used the app to prepare herself for her test.

We are quite happy that we did it this way, because my wife ended up passing her test with flying colours and she's an Australian citizen now. Well done honey!

If you're in a similar position, and you also need to pass your Australian Citizenship test, preferably on your first attempt, consider giving the Australian Citizenship Tests App a go.

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Australian Citizenship Tests - Prepare for the Australian Citizenship test | Product Hunt